Food Distribution
In early spring 2020, Past District Governor and Rotary Club of Longview member, Carroll Greenwaldt, attended a meeting in Tyler led by the East Texas Food Bank CEO. The East Texas Food Bank recognized that Longview and Gregg County were one million meals short that year, and asked for a volunteer to organize food distribution in Longview.
Stepping to the plate was Carroll Greenwaldt, who met with Longview city officials, The Rotary Club of Longview, Midtown Rotary Club, Greggton Rotary Club and local churches to gather interest and volunteers. The dream became a reality in April 2020 with the first food distribution to food insecure families in the area.
Since then volunteers gather on the second Friday of every month at the Gregg County fairgrounds to distribute food. The East Texas Food Bank sends a truck with pallets of fresh produce, dairy products or whatever they have available for distribution.
Owner: Terri Deike
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