The Rotary Club of Longview
About Our Club

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Longview, the original service club of Gregg County. Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 33,000 clubs located in more than 200 countries.
Our club has generated a rich legacy of service in the decades since its charter was issued May 1, 1920. Members of the club have been leaders of this community in all domains of private and public life. Our membership numbers more than 100 men and women who embrace the Rotary theme of "Service Above Self."
Rotary meetings provide an avenue of networking and fellowship among business and professional leaders in our local community. It also provides an opportunity to respond to the needs of other people on both international and local levels.
We are committed to being part of "Rotary Serving Humanity" -- the theme of 2016-17 International President John Germ -- and helping provide children with the best possible chance at survival through our support of the effort to eradicate polio worldwide, programs to provide clean water in remote areas of the world, to provide dictionaries for local elementary students and scholarships for high school seniors, to feed hungry children and families in Longview and to support many non-profit organizations and other efforts to make our city and world a better place. In recent years, we have led an international project to save lives of children in Guatemala through administration of drugs to control helmenthic infections that pervade Guatemalan children and now are completing a project to build and outfit a modern hospital in northern Guatemala. Our club is changing the lives of people here in Longview and around the world, all the time having fun. Through Rotary International projects, opportunities abound for youth exchanges, educational exchanges, scholarships and innovative training programs for youth leaders.
If you believe you could benefit from being involved with such an organization, or you could benefit our community through such an organization, we have a place for you. Be our guest at a meeting, listen to our dynamic speakers each week and enjoy the support and friendship found only through Rotary.
Rotarians and visitors are always welcome to join us or to seek more information. Visitors, you can expect friendly hospitality at our meetings. Members, you can expect leadership from your board of directors. Community, you can expect Service Above Self .
We meet Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
Pinecrest Country Club
Pinecrest Country Club
214 S Club Dr.
Longview, Texas 75602
United States
United States