Dorothy Khoury | |
Dorothy Khoury has called Longview home for over 60 years and has spent that time serving the community. Dorothy's late husband, Alvin Khoury, served as Texas State District Judge. Her lifetime of volunteering has included everything from serving as a hospital volunteer, treasurer of the League of Women Voters and president of the Lawyer's Wives of Gregg County to being on the board for Longview Community Theatre and holding offices in the Longview Federation of Women's Clubs. Later on she served at St. Mary's Catholic School, the Ivy League Garden Club, a delegate to Republican county and state conventions and the Gregg County Historical Museum. |
The Club and the Town for a Hundred Years: The Rotary Club and the City of Longview, Texas, Year by Year from 1920 to 2020 is available for purchase online or at local retailers.
Go here to purchase the book online or purchase it in person at:
- Barron's, 405 West Loop 281
- Louis Morgan Drugs #4, 110 Johnston Street
- Gregg County Historical Museum, 214 North Fredonia Street
- Longview Rotary Club meetings, Tuesdays noon to 1:00, Pinecrest Country Club, 214 Club Drive
The club hosted celebrations when the original book was released in 1995 and in 2023 when the book to mark the centennial was released. Find videos of the 2023 and 1995 celebrations here.