New Member Induction |
Rotary Veterans Honored |
Rotary Club of Longview 2022-2023 MeetingsThe following are dates we will not meet due to holiday weeks or flag duty weeks for the 2021-2022 Rotary year. July 5, 2022 Independence Day - (Flag Holiday)
September 6, 2022 Labor Day - (Flag Holiday) November 8, 2022 Veteran's Day - (Flag Day Holiday)) December 27, 2022 Christmas Holiday - (Week of Christmas) February 21, 2023 President's Day - (Flag Holiday) May 30, 2023 Memorial Day - (Flag Holiday) |
Rotary Club of Longview Centennial CelebrationIs postponed at this time due to COVID -19. A new date will be selected soon.
State Representative Jay Dean gives an update on District 7This week State Representative Jay Dean gave us an update on our District. Jay Dean was elected in 2016 to serve as State Representative for House District 7, the area encompassing Gregg and Upshur Counties. For over three decades, Jay has served Longview and the broader East Texas region as a business owner, civic leader, and consistent conservative. His reputation as a budget hawk and successful job creator on the City Council led to his election as Longview Mayor. Under his leadership, Longview was noted for its responsible budgeting, low tax rates, and economic development. As a result, Longview was ranked one of the top ten U.S. cities for economic growth and earned the distinction of being named one of the "best places for business" by Forbes magazine. A lifelong conservative Republican, Representative Dean is a strong advocate for cutting the size of government, upholding the Constitution, defending religious liberty, securing the border, strengthening education, advancing the 2nd Amendment, and protecting life. Jay is a graduate of Louisiana State University and the President & CEO of Shale Flow Specialties. Jay and his wife, Pokie, live in Longview where they raised their three girls and helped found their church, St. Matthews.
Curious about attendance?Does perfect attendance mean never missing a meeting? It can, but doesn’t have to. “Attendance” can be achieved by many means beyond presence at our noon Tuesday gatherings. |
Sponsor a member, receive Foundation recognition points!As we move into the second half of our Rotary year, it’s time to turn our attention to achieving membership goals set by Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang and our own District Governor Carroll Greenwaldt. To that end, our board has approved a program that will award Foundation recognition points to Rotarians who recruit new members. |
Service grants finalized for four area organizationsOur club has finalized its latest round of service grants to area organizations, and the first under a new grant application process put in place under Past President Terri Deike and being overseen by Service Projects Director Dietrich Johnson. Recipients are Friends of Partners in Prevention, D.O.R.S. Youth Transition Center, Longview Community Ministries and Newgate Mission. |
New Spring Hill ISD backpack program gets news coverageOur club's newest backpack meal program, in Spring Hill ISD, was the focus of a recent story in the Longview News-Journal. |
DG Carroll Greenwaldt praises District 5830 in Longview News-Journal storyDistrict Governor Carroll Greenwaldt talked up the service taking place in District 5830 and across Rotary in a story featured this weekend in the Longview News-Journal. |
Recruit new members, receive recognition pointsA new program aims to help us reach Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang’s goal of increasing membership by 1.3 million this year. How? The program offers recognition points to Rotarians who recruit new members. |
Wanted: Copies of "The Club and the Town"Our 75-year club history book was published in 1995. We printed 1,000 copies and began selling one to each member, but the stock ran out several years ago. We hope to issue an updated version in the centennial year of 2020, and are considering an interim second printing of the original book in the meantime. |
Cindi-Marie reports on Costa Rica club visits![]() Buenos dias! I had the privilege of going to Costa Rica with a group of students from Trinity School of Texas for almost three weeks as they attended a Spanish language immersion program. During my stay, I attended five Rotary meetings, which I will list below and attach pictures of my Flag Exchanges with each club and pictures of the flags and some of the new friends I made ... |
Message from DG Carroll Greenwaldt![]() Welcome to the new Rotary Year, 2014-15! Let me introduce myself and the best part of me, my spouse Mary. |
ON-LINE MAKEUP!Need a quick makeup? Visit one of these eClubs! When checking out, have a copy of the acknowledment sent to: |
At the April 19-20 district conference in Texarkana, our club was awarded the Peace Award, Carroll Greenwaldt reported April 30.
The team of spellers from the Rotary Club of Longview won the Spelling Bee for the third year in a row. Ric Brack, Gene McWhorter and Gordon Northcutt were the winning team who outlasted the other teams in the "Bee for Literacy" - the annual spelling bee sponsored by the Literacy Council of East Texas. This fund raising event was held June 6 at the Pine Tree Junior High Cafeteria. Various businesses and organizations in the community entered teams of spellers with the hope of capturing the prize of first place and the priviledger of being known as the best spellers in the community. Congratulations to our fellow Rotarians for once again showing that the Rotary Club of Longview is for winners!
Welcome to the Rotary Club of Longview, Texas website. Our club is the oldest service club in Longview, but we are 89 years "young!" Having just received the Highest Performing Rotary Club Award in District 5830, we are justifiably proud of what we have going on. Your attendance, presence and membership are highly desired; and you will be assured of an outstanding "return" on your investment in time and energy.
The Rotary Foundation RecognitionContributions to The Rotary Foundation result in recognition by the Foundation. Following are some ways to become a Paul Harris Fellow or Multiple Paul Harris Fellow |